PSS Medal
Donated by the Prosthodontic Society Singapore in 2005, a medal is awarded annually from the proceeds of a capital sum of $30,000.
The award is governed by the following conditions:
- Subject to rule 4 below, the medal is awarded to the best student with an “A” grade in Prosthodontics in the Final MDS Examination.
- The medal is awarded by the Board of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the relevant Board of Examiners.
- In the event that no student is eligible for award of a medal a book prize may be awarded to the best student subject to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners.
- No award will be made unless there is a candidate of sufficient merit.
- In the event of there being more than one candidate of equal merit, the relevant Board of Examiners will take into consideration the performance of the candidates during the year as well as their examination results.
- If no award is made in any year, the funds available will be added to the capital sum.
- This gift shall be governed by the University Statutes and Regulations, specifically, Statute 15A on Gifts to the University and the corresponding Regulations, as amended